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Tighza, Morocco 2014

To people from villages isolated
from basic medical care
So that they may tend to their most pressing health issues



Why Dharapani?

Their story...

Dharapani village is a small northern village in Gorkha District, one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal. With approximately 2500 villagers, a serious lack of health infrastructure, and not a single certified doctor or nurse in the area, many residents are required to travel impossible distances just to receive basic medical attention. Moreover, with limited education and an absence of other resources, witchdoctors and shamans are revered as all-cures. Superstition and orthodox methods of treatment are pervasive and can often further aggravate medical conditions.


The closest doctor is located in a neighboring village Arupokhari, which is an hours walk away from Dharpani. However with just one doctor among several villages, resources are still largely insufficient. For more serious illnesses the closest hospital is located in Ghorka Bazaar, which requires a full days drive. This is an unrealistic walking distance, especially in the case of emergencies, and most times villagers lose their lives unable to be appropriately seen and treated.


The local coordinator has communicated a keen interest by villagers in the First Aid Project, and expects roughly 500-1000 villagers will want to attend the workshops. With significant complications in labor and delivery, along with several hygiene issues, The First Aid Project has prepared workshops targeted to the specific needs of Dharpani residents on basic medical prevention and care. The aim is to provide them with the tools they need for an adequate first aid response, increasing the availability and accessibility of health care to the villagers.

What we do...

If you know of any other remote villages that would benefit from The First Aid Project, please let us know

and we may make it our next project.

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